Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Different Strokes

Two recent developments, completely diverse responses. This is what makes space for "hindu fundamentalism". I leave it to the reader to draw his/her own conclusions.

Incident 1 - M F Hussain purportedly takes citizenship of Qatar (later denied) because he has cases pending in Indian courts. These cases, filed by private citizens, were on account of his paintings of Hindu religious figures in the nude. The english press decries this as an assault on artistic freedom.The STATE is silent, while offering "protection" to the artist. So, did he get a raw deal?

Incident 2 - Jesus is depicted holding a beer can and a cigarette in a text book. The STATE confiscates the books and promises to take legal action against the publishers. There are calls for a "Blasphemy law" (fortunately, shelved). The Church bans all books by the publisher. No one questions if this is an assault on freedom of expression.

Monday, September 21, 2009

"No Way" by Ram Tzu

Landmark's book sale always throws up a few surprises. This time it was on a subject I would not normally go near - but I happened to pick up the book (mentioned in the title) and then could not put it down.

A quick internet search revealed that Ram Tzu was the pen-name of Wayne Liquorman - a teacher of Advaita. His writing is, however, deliciously irreligious and iconoclastic. At the risk of infringing some copyright, I quote

Ram Tzu hears it all the time...

You had a profound, revealing,
Deeply moving spiritual experience.
Now you're hooked.
Now you want more.
Now you're a seeker.

No junkie has ever
Been more dedicated
Or more continually disappointed
Or more miserable.

Once you might
Have been satisfied
With a new car
Or a loving mate

Now you will settle
For nothing less
Than union with God

Ram Tzu knows this...

You're fucked.

For those whose interest is piqued some more poems are available at here or here . Have fun

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Defamation of Religion... huh???

While browsing the net in search of coverage and viewpoints on the Mumbai attacks, I came across a concept I had never heard of before - that of "Defamation of Religion". It all started when I stumbled across the views of an American lawyer with regard to a UN (no less..) committee which has apparently recommended that the General Assembly adopt this. Initially, I thought this was some sort of scam, not the Orwellian piece of legislation it seems to be. However, people, this is very much a reality. Incidentally, India abstained ! The reason, given before the vote was :
"the representative of India said his delegation condemned any attempts to associate Islam, which was a peaceful religion like any other, with terrorism and violence. India also stood against negative stereotyping of any religion. But it was nevertheless concerned that the text under consideration spoke about only one religion, when in fact, all religions faced similar problems."

Here is another view on this.

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