Monday, December 1, 2008

Post-nuclear deal - can we use USA help

The rebuff that the government of Pak and India received from the Pak Army establishment on the demand to send the ISI chief to India, has presumably gotten the US secretary of state to head towards India to cool tempers. Unfortunately, at present there seems to be no tempers to cool - atleast among the political leadership.

India is at present in a position to demand the highest possible help from the USA in terms of both, equipment and intelligence to plan its rejoinder to the ISI threat. Bruce Reidel, the incoming President's South Asia advisor is no sympathiser of Pakistan. However, the ability of the currently, leaden-feet leadership of the India to turn this to India's advantage is in doubt.

If ever there was a need for a popularly elected (not nominated) political leadership in India, it is NOW.

1 comment:

Rati Parker said...

Wow really squiffy blog...with links et al!
I really couldn't agree more.

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